BMW Owners News
The Ride Inside

New MOA podcast “The Ride Inside with Mark Barnes” debuts with four episodes

Mark Barnes’ popular column The Ride Inside has been established as a podcast. Sponsored by the MOA Foundation, The Ride Inside with Mark Barnes features Mark’s insights into the mental, emotional and social aspects of motorcycling from the perspective of a licensed clinical psychologist with decades of riding experience.

Each episode has two segments; first is one of Mark’s essays, in which he might address any aspect of motorcycling and will always give you something new to think about as you ponder your own place in the vast world of motorcycling. Second is a Q&A segment, in which Mark will answer listeners’ questions as best as he can – and when he can’t, he’ll find somebody who can and ask them your question!

For your convenience, the first four episodes are collected on this page – listen here by using the embedded players or download to listen to later at your convenience. You can also find The Ride Inside with Mark Barnes on all the podcasting sites and apps – Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Sticher,, and all the rest! The show is even available on the MOA’s YouTube channel. Subscribe today and never miss an episode.

Submit your questions about motorcycling to Mark via email at [email protected].

2 thoughts on “New MOA podcast “The Ride Inside with Mark Barnes” debuts with four episodes

  • Been reading Mark Barnes for I think, more than 20 years – first in MCN and now on the MOA.
    I listen to a lot of different podcasts but these by Mark are far and above the best yet! Hands Down.
    Love the essay and then Q&A format. Thanks and keep please keep them coming.

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