BMW Owners News
200 Miles Before BreakfastShe Rides a Beemer

200MBB: Wendy Naessens, member since 2017

Wendy Naessens got into motorcycles for fun while living in Chicago and quickly found her tribe, the influencers who helped turn her into an influencer herself, whether it comes to gear, training or the Backcountry Discovery Routes. Wendy is apprenticing at the BMW Performance Center, in training to become a full-fledged instructor, and recently got to participate in the making of the documentary for the Wyoming BDR (available from 5 February 2022 on the BDR website). Find out about all these things and more on the 50th episode of 200 Miles Before Breakfast! (Photos by Simon Cudby.)

200 Miles Before Breakfast is a podcast by, for and about the members of the BMW Motorcycle Owners of America, where you get to know the MOA one member at a time. Listen or download with the embedded player above – and please subscribe! 200MBB is in all the major podcasting apps along with the MOA’s other podcasts, Chasing the Horizon and The Ride Inside with Mark Barnes. If you know an MOA member we should profile on the podcast, please let us know via email and we’ll do our best to get them on the show. If you’re willing to interview them yourself, we’ll happily supply all the tools you need to make it happen!

One thought on “200MBB: Wendy Naessens, member since 2017

  • We’re fortunate, in the BMW community, to have so many skilled women riders. Ms Naessens represents the new generation. I’m tickled to watch Wendy’s progress from Wrigley Field commuter to the BMW Performance Center. A meteoric rise! It began soon after we met at the post-covid Falling Leaf Rally in Missouri. Thanks for the interview!

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