BMW Owners News
200 Miles Before Breakfast

200MBB: Bob Henig of Bob’s BMW

Bob Henig’s history with BMW goes back a long way, farther back than 1978, which is when he joined the MOA. Despite his predilection for sidecar rigs, he has been known to ride two-wheeled motorcycles from time to time while still managing to keep his BMW Motorrad dealership – Bob’s BMW – running at a feverish pace. Bob has lots of opinions about the new R 18, so tune in today! (PS don’t forget, if you’re ever in Maryland, set aside a half day to visit Bob’s museum.)

Bob Henig

Bob with his limited-production 1997 Duetto. Photo by Roy Furchgott for the New York Times.

200 Miles Before Breakfast is a podcast by, for and about the members of the BMW Motorcycle Owners of America, where you get to know the MOA one member at a time. Listen or download with the embedded player below – and please subscribe! 200MBB is in all the major podcasting apps along with the MOA’s other podcast, Chasing the Horizon. If you know an MOA member we should profile on the podcast, please let us know via email and we’ll do our best to get them on the show. If you’re willing to interview them yourself, we’ll happily supply all the tools you need to make it happen!

Bob and his 1961 R 90/2 conversion with Steib delivery box sidecar.